There's a site that called Tvtropes that is positively addicting and interesting. But most interesting are the different character tropes that they have. So! Here's the link to the site:
HERE. Its click able, just click the large red HERE, search for tropes that match your character, and list them here! WARNING: Tvtropes can be very time consuming. Trope at your own risk.
Ambiguous Gender - Sic could be a man. Or a woman. Its been generally assumed that Sic's a male.
Ambiguously Human* Axe Crazy
* Bad Boss - Sic will kill anything around when they're angry or bored.
Black Cloak - Wears one.
Blood Knight*
Childhood Friends - With the Dictator, they grew up on the same Planet and met in school.
The Dragon*
Everyone Calls him Barkeep - Known stictly as Second-In-Command, or SIC.
Evil Albino - Red eyes, white hair, white skin, goes without saying. Although their eyes glow as well, which seems to hint that Sic is not entirely human.
Fangs are Evil - Had this in mind. Its why Sic sharpened their own teeth to look like fangs. They like intimidation.
Freudian Excuse - Sic has a complicated past. Doesn't excuse their actions though.
Hair Trigger Temper*
Hyperspace Arsenal - In their CLOAK.
In The Hood - Very few people have seen Sic's face.
Its All About Me - Very self centered. Even becomes friendy with people just for being SIMILAR to themself.
Its Personal - With Freddy Krueger it is anyway.
Lack of Empathy - Definitely, although Sic feels SOME kind of empathy towards Dictator, and animals. But anyone else, Sic couldn't give a shit.
Pet the Dog - Sic loves animals, and will NOT tolerate animal abuse.
Red eyes Take Warning /
Glowing Eyes of Doom - Goes without saying.
Take over the Multiverse - Sic and Dic's basic plan.
Sociopath - Matches every thing on the list on that page, except Cruelty to animals.
Undying Loyalty - To the Dictator. Sic will NEVER betray him. NEVER.
What Do They Fear Episode - Freddy's experiences with Sic can count as this. While in the CB, Freddy tormented Sic with the one thing they fear: Being fired and killed by the Dictator. Hence why its Personal.