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An evil dictator has taken over most of the multiverse, and has transported selected individuals to an immense spacecraft. They are under strict rule, and only the Resistance can save them.
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 Mission Initiate

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Swara Ferenceri

Posts : 29
Join date : 2010-04-18

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Mission Initiate Empty
PostSubject: Mission Initiate   Mission Initiate EmptyFri Aug 20, 2010 2:14 pm

Swara guided the jets to bring him down in an area that seemed less dense than the surrounding forestry. Even so, he ran into branch after branch in his descent. Eventually, he was on the forest floor. The thrusters retracted back into the suit, deactivating. The suit equalized pressure with the surrounding atmosphere. The electronic screen on the visor turned off as the chameleon removed the helmet. Breathing in the Nabooan air, Agent Ferenceri looked around. As expected, no-one was around. This region was mainly undeveloped except for a nearby outpost left unused from a time of warring now passed. If he could, he would like to investigate that location as a possible workshop and hideout. Swara would be traveling into the urban centers to work on his mission, but he needed a place where he could stash his equipment. Not to mention, he had an idea for modifying his inviso-silk suit with the technology from the space suit. However, he first had to make contact with the Dictator's forces.

Activating his headset, the chameleon connected to the Crusader's communication network.

"One two, check. This is Swara Ferenceri, reporting in. Do you read me?" He spoke into the mouthpiece.
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Nexus Staff
Nexus Staff

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Mission Initiate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission Initiate   Mission Initiate EmptyFri Aug 20, 2010 2:43 pm

"I read you loud and clear, Agent Swara. Signal strength so far is very clear even through all the foliage." Said the man from the Crusader. "Describe to me the land you currently are on."
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Swara Ferenceri

Posts : 29
Join date : 2010-04-18

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Mission Initiate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mission Initiate   Mission Initiate EmptyMon Aug 23, 2010 7:14 pm

Communication connections were obviously connected and functioning; everything was going smoothly so far. Still, the more laborious and dangerous tasks were still to come.

"Forestry in all directions. No signs of intelligent life nearby. Map indicates an abandoned military outpost is nearby. I am going to use it as my personal facility to prepare the transition into the urban sectors of the Planet. It should serve my purposes long enough without being discovered." Swara replied, starting to walk towards the direction of the base.
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