Nexus Dawn
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An evil dictator has taken over most of the multiverse, and has transported selected individuals to an immense spacecraft. They are under strict rule, and only the Resistance can save them.
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 What happened?

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3 posters
The Dictator
Magnificent Bastard
The Dictator

Posts : 107
Join date : 2010-04-15
Location : Taking over some universe

Character Sheet
What happened? Left_bar_bleue3750/3750What happened? Empty_bar_bleue  (3750/3750)
Power Points:
What happened? Left_bar_bleue1000/1000What happened? Empty_bar_bleue  (1000/1000)

What happened? Empty
PostSubject: What happened?   What happened? EmptySun Feb 13, 2011 10:52 am

Ok so this place has died, and I am going to revive it! But I need your help, so get your butts over here and start RPing again
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Lina Dell

Lina Dell

Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-04-18
Location : Floating Citadels of Jupiter

Character Sheet
Funds: 0
What happened? Left_bar_bleue150/150What happened? Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)
Power Points:
What happened? Left_bar_bleue50/50What happened? Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)

What happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened?   What happened? EmptyThu May 19, 2011 4:13 pm

Oh, I've been making plans. But more on that elsewhere. You'll see what I mean.
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Rhys Valentine

Rhys Valentine

Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-05-24

Character Sheet
Funds: 0
What happened? Left_bar_bleue50/50What happened? Empty_bar_bleue  (50/50)
Power Points:
What happened? Left_bar_bleue25/25What happened? Empty_bar_bleue  (25/25)

What happened? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What happened?   What happened? EmptySat Jul 09, 2011 11:11 am

Weelll, me and Tara are a-coming back~
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PostSubject: Re: What happened?   What happened? Empty

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