An evil dictator has taken over most of the multiverse, and has transported selected individuals to an immense spacecraft. They are under strict rule, and only the Resistance can save them.
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Gardens of Terra

The living Earth, bright blue-green against the stark blackness of space, is home to lush vegetation, diverse fauna, and a thriving biotechnological society. The planet serves as a hub for the most advanced organic technology in the Sol system.
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Sky-Citadels of Jupiter

Suspended by powerful gravity fields above the swirling gases of Jupiter's surface, these floating cities are home to many people. Soaring through the endless skies using self-contained propulsion harnesses is always popular here.
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Snow Plains of Ouranos

This planet, covered by endless snow and ice, and surrounded by wind, is nevertheless filled with life adapted to withstanding the coldest temperatures. Despite its freezing temperatures, Ouranos is known as a perfect, winter-clad vacation spot with a reputation for having the most delicious hot chocolate in the galaxy.
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Oceans of Neptune

This watery world is known for its immensely varied aquatic life and incredible advancements in sea-based technology. Its people, born and raised on the water, have rapidly adapted their own bodies to survival beneath the waves.
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